Un facial médico limpia, exfolia y nutre la piel; promoviendo una tez clara y bien hidratada. Estos tratamientos faciales se diferencian de los tratamientos faciales de spa en que nada está predeterminado antes de su cita. Antes de su servicio, nuestro esteticista en Rejuvenus Clinic analizará minuciosamente su piel y personalizará su tratamiento facial según las necesidades de su piel. Repasaremos cualquier inquietud que pueda tener sobre su piel, como áreas inesperadamente secas o grasosas, reacciones a los productos para el cuidado de la piel o al medio ambiente, y cómo puede incorporar mejor los productos para el cuidado de la piel de grado médico en su régimen diario para prolongar la resultados del facial médico.

Realza tu belleza natural

BELA MD | Rejuvenus Clinic | Toronto
Clínica Médico Estética
Bela MD Hydra Facial has reached new levels at Rejuvenus Clinic. This OxyGeneo Facial is an innovative 3-in-1 facial treatment that exfoliates, oxygenates, and infuses your skin with curated ingredients to address your specific skin concerns. The OxyGeneo device simultaneously delivers a specifically-chosen concoction of skincare ingredients into your skin to address your skin concerns, such as:
Smoother texture
Tighter skin
Wrinkle reduction
Lighter complexion
Restored hydration
Healthy glow
Reduced pigmentation
Alleviated irritation

El facial personalizado Rejuvenus Signature es un tratamiento personalizado que ayudará a que su piel logre una tez clara y un brillo agradable. Este tratamiento consiste en una doble limpieza, exfoliación física, extracciones para destapar los poros, eliminación de puntos negros, infusión de vitaminas, multimasking y terapia LED. Aumenta la circulación, estimula la renovación celular de la piel y mantiene la piel bien hidratada.

The OxyGeneo™ is a non-invasive, three-step treatment that Breakthrough OxyGeneo™ Technology provides superior anti-aging results by treating the skin at a deeper level. Exfoliate, Infuse, and Oxygenate your way to youthful skin.
EXFOLIATE: This treatment begins by gently exfoliating away the damaged surface skin removing dead cells and dirt, opens clogged pores, leaving the skin smoother and refreshed.
OXYGENATE: It restores skin’s health through oxygenation from within. The body sends O2-rich blood to the skin to replace the CO2, resulting in optimal skin oxygenation and increased cellular activity.
INFUSE: It delivers nutrients, vitamins and active ingredients that nourish the skin to promote healthier and smoother skin, while restoring luminosity and skin tone.

New OxyPod’s with active ingredients and Primer Gel works together for an amplified 3-in-1 exfoliation + oxygenation + infusion. Complimentary active ingredients for augmented results. Real scientific breakthrough! Each OxyPod is packed with a robust mixture of active ingredients, in their solid (dormant) state. The dormant ingredients are activated only upon contact with the primer gel.

Un tratamiento clínico intensivo conocido en Hollywood como “The Red Carpet Facial”. Muchas celebridades lo consideran el tratamiento "más caliente" y "más genial" que existe. Lo que hace que este tratamiento facial médico sea único es que, a diferencia de otros tratamientos faciales, no solo mejora la apariencia de la textura de la piel; pero en realidad cambia la piel a nivel celular, permitiendo la renovación celular. Este lujoso facial de varios pasos con dos mascarillas terapéuticas seguidas de la aplicación de un suero y una crema para calmar e hidratar la piel. El tratamiento Fire & Ice es una excelente manera de prepararse para grandes eventos como bodas, reuniones o compromisos. Después de solo una sesión, notará que su piel resurgió, los poros bloqueados se limpiaron y las arrugas se redujeron, dejando un brillo suave y saludable.

Es una forma de exfoliación manual similar a la microdermoabrasión pero sin el uso de succión o cristales abrasivos. Se pasa suavemente una hoja de bisturí de grado médico a lo largo de la piel en ángulo para eliminar suavemente las células muertas de la piel de la epidermis. Dermaplaning también elimina temporalmente el vello fino de la cara. El vello a menudo provoca una acumulación de suciedad y grasa en los folículos, por lo que eliminar el vello le da a la piel un aspecto más saludable y revela una tez más suave y brillante, pero NO estimula el crecimiento del vello. Esta técnica de rejuvenecimiento profesional es un método de exfoliación altamente efectivo para clientes con piel sensible o alergias, así como para mujeres embarazadas o lactantes que desean una exfoliación profunda que evite el uso de ácidos o exfoliaciones químicas.

Red Algae Facial
Skin Rejuvenation & Wrinkle Reduction
It is the ideal treatment for aging, dehydrated, and irritated skin. This Skin rejuvenation facial treatment with red algae, can reduce signs of aging, deeply hydrate the skin, and protect the skin from premature aging.

Vitamin C & Kojic Acid Facial
Skin Brightening, Uneven Skin Tone & Hyperpigmentation
Skin brightening facial with Vitamin C antioxidants. The ideal treatment for an uneven and dull complexion. This treatment can brighten and even skin tone, reduce pigmentation signs and protect from sun damage.

Activated Bamboo Charcoal Facial
Acne - Prone & Oily Skin
Balances & mattifies oily skin, purifies clogged pores, improves texture, helps to prevent breakouts, and reduces fine lines & wrinkles. A treatment with antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and powerful corrective ingredients.

Blue Spirulina Facial
Dry & Dehydrated Skin
Rehydrates and moisturizes dry skin, repairs the skin barrier defence systems, and helps to minimize redness and inflammation. It replenishes the water content in the skin and rebuilds the skin barrier.

Green Tea Facial
Sensitive Skin
Removes toxins and impurities from the skin, alleviates irritation and redness, reduces oxidative stress, and helps to prevent premature skin aging. It has antioxidants and soothing ingredients that minimize inflammation.

Esta aplicación de tratamiento ofrece una exfoliación suave con beneficios calmantes y nutritivos para pieles grasas, propensas a las imperfecciones o problemáticas. Rejuvenus Clear Skin Facial limpia profundamente, suaviza y pule para minimizar la apariencia de poros dilatados mientras infunde a la piel una hidratación tópica calmante para promover la apariencia de una mejor salud de la piel.


Rehidrata, exfolia, desintoxica y rejuvenece tu rostro para que vuelva a estar saludable y resplandeciente.

Low-intensity ultrasound waves significantly increase the infusion of therapeutic ingredients through the skin, resulting in optimal skin nourishment and cellular activity. The ultrasound also increases blood circulation that brings more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, improves moisture retention, tightens enlarged pores, and relieves puffiness around the eyes. The treatment is painless, soothing, and safe for all skin types.

Preguntas más frecuentes
En la Clínica Rejuvenus, estamos dedicados a brindar el mejor servicio a nuestros pacientes.
Aquí hay una lista de nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta o inquietud, nuestros expertos le brindarán toda la información que necesita.
How do I know which OxyGeneo™ treatment is best for my skin?
We are more than happy to sit down with you during a complimentary consultation and discuss your concerns and needs. From there, we will select the perfect OxyGeneo-based treatment for you. The OxyGeneo™ is a “color blind” technology that can safely treat all skin types.
How does the OxyGeneo™ treatment feel?
An OxyGeneo™ treatment feels like a warm massage for the face. The exfoliation is described as very refreshing and comfortable and, because there is no harsh vacuum procedure, the treatment is soothing and relaxing. More sensitive skin type clients may have a gentle tingling sensation during the first couple of minutes.
How soon after the OxyGeneo™ treatment will I see results?
You can expect to see visible texture improvement immediately after the 1st treatment. The OxyGeneo™ effect is cumulative, so more treatments will bring better results. Scheduling an OxyGeneo treatment every 4-6 weeks to treat the skin is the perfect long-term anti-aging maintenance program.
How long is the OxyGeneo™ treatment?
The OxyGeneo™ treatment takes about 45-60 minutes. The OxyGeneo™ treatment can be done as a ‘stand-alone’ facial or in combination with other modalities, which will extend the duration of the overall treatment. After an OxyGeneo treatment, the skin will look smooth, soft, shiny, and radiant. The OxyGeneo™ has zero downtime.
How long the results last?
OxyGeneo™ works with the natural repairing processes of your skin; therefore results are individual and may vary between people. Your lifestyle also affects the ability of your skin to improve itself, so keeping a healthy lifestyle helps to linger the OxyGeneo effect. In any case, the OxyGeneo effect is cumulative, so more treatments will bring longer-lasting results.
What is the cost of this treatment at Rejuvenus Clinic in Toronto?
The cost depends on the number of sessions and treatment plan. We encourage you to come in for a consultation so we can accurately assess your specific needs. We offer package pricing and interest-free financing* for all our treatments! Contact us at 647.615.0223 to book a session.