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Si sufres de hiperhidrosis (sudoraciĆ³n excesiva) Ā”podemos ayudarte!


La hiperhidrosis es una condiciĆ³n mĆ©dica que padecen casi 1 millĆ³n de canadienses. Las personas que sufren de hiperhidrosis se encuentran sudando en temperaturas mĆ”s frĆ­as o incluso cuando se relajan. 

Ɓreas de hiperhidrosis primaria (glƔndulas sudorƭparas hiperactivas)

  • Rostro

  • axilas

  • palma de las manos

  • Pies

White Feather



En Rejuvenus Clinic entendemos lo incĆ³modo que puede ser vivir con un exceso de sudoraciĆ³n en las axilas que arruina nuestra ropa. Esto puede tener un impacto significativo en la confianza en sĆ­ mismo y puede afectar su calidad de vida. Nuestro personal ofrece una evaluaciĆ³n integral y un diagnĆ³stico de su problema de sudoraciĆ³n excesiva, y tambiĆ©n analiza todas las opciones de tratamiento, incluidas: lociones recetadas, pĆ­ldoras recetadas, tratamientos de venta libre o inyecciones de BotoxĀ® (toxina botulĆ­nica). El uso de BOTOXĀ® puede ayudar a contrarrestar los sĆ­ntomas de la hiperhidrosis al bloquear la comunicaciĆ³n entre los nervios y las glĆ”ndulas sudorĆ­paras.


BotoxĀ® ha sido aprobado por la FDA como un medicamento con un efecto duradero en la Hiperhidrosis. DespuĆ©s de las inyecciones, BotoxĀ® entrarĆ” en las terminaciones nerviosas de las glĆ”ndulas sudorĆ­paras. Luego bloquea la liberaciĆ³n de una sustancia quĆ­mica que seƱala la transpiraciĆ³n. Este procedimiento simple y seguro toma alrededor de 1 hora. Se pueden sentir pequeƱos pinchazos, pero si es necesario, se puede aplicar una crema anestĆ©sica de antemano para adormecer la piel durante el procedimiento. No hay tiempo de inactividad, ni cirugĆ­a y molestias mĆ­nimas, como hinchazĆ³n temporal. La sudoraciĆ³n generalmente se controla durante 6 a 12 meses. Se pueden administrar tratamientos repetidos a medida que los efectos comienzan a disminuir.

Botulinum Toxin for Slimmer Face

Our experts can provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the procedure.


Book your appointment today to schedule a consultation!

White Feather

Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

En la ClĆ­nica Rejuvenus,  estamos dedicados a brindar el mejor servicio a nuestros pacientes.  


AquĆ­ hay una lista de nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes. Si tiene alguna otra pregunta o inquietud, nuestros expertos le brindarĆ”n toda la informaciĆ³n que necesita.

How Do I Get A Slimmer Face?

Facial contouring is a technique that gives an oval- or V-shaped face that is slimmer in profile. Face slimming methods using dermal fillers and neuromodulators can optimally change the shape of the face. It is estimated that around 40 to 60 units are to be injected into the jaw muscle for effective results.

When Do You See Results? and How Long Does It Take To Recover?

The results of Botox face slimming are starts setting in around a week from the day of your injection. However, you might have to wait for up to 2 weeks for the final results to settle and for any swelling or redness to subside.

You may experience some redness, swelling, and bruising over the injection site, but this goes away in less than a week. Botox treatment has minimal downtime to no downtime, and you may continue with regular work immediately after the procedure.

How Can I Get Slimmer Cheeks (Reduce My Chubby Cheeks) ?

Cheek fillers will restore volume to the correct area of the cheek, leading to optimal light reflection and the appearance of a slimmer, more oval face.

Fillers are a great way to get a slimmer face without surgery. Fillers can last for several months and depending on the type of filler used.

Who Is Suitable For Botox?

Only a certified doctor can decide whether you can have the treatment or not after assessing the masseter muscle. The physician checks your muscles thickness by palpating it and considers Botox treatment for you if your masseter muscle is hard and large.

However, Botox is not suitable for people whose square jawline is mainly due to their jaw bone. This is so because the treatment has no effect on the anatomical structures.

What Are Neuromodulators and How Do They Soften My Jawline ?

Neuromodulators such as Botoxā“‡, Dysportā“‡ and Xeominā“‡ work by relaxing the activity of certain muscles. Injecting a neuromodulator into the masseter muscles weakens those muscles, gradually reducing bulk. This results in a slimmer face and a softer jawline.

How Long Do Botox Last?

The results of Botox face slimming last for more than 4 to 6 months, but as its effects wear off, you may start noticing that your face takes its previous shape. However, with multiple Botox treatments, the muscle loses its shape and maintains a relaxed state which might end up giving you a narrow jawline for a much longer time.  The results of Botox are not permanent, and ultimately the habit of teeth grinding also returns. The muscle which has slimmed goes back to its previous original shape, and the muscle mass increases again, requiring repeat treatments every 6 months.


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