La escleroterapia es un procedimiento médico utilizado para eliminar las varices y las arañas vasculares. Se trata de una inyección de una sustancia quÃmica especial (esclerosante) solución directamente en la vena. La solución irrita el revestimiento del vaso sanguÃneo, lo que hace que se colapse y se pegue y la sangre se coagule. Después de administrar la inyección de esclerosante, se aplica presión sobre las venas para evitar que la sangre regrese cuando se pone de pie. Es posible que deba usar medias de compresión durante varios dÃas o semanas para mantener la presión.
Con el tiempo, el vaso se convierte en tejido cicatricial que desaparece de la vista. Regresará una vez que se logre un tratamiento exitoso. El intervalo de dos semanas es el programa de tratamiento ideal, pero puede variar según el consejo del médico. Se tarda una media de 3-4 sesiones. Muchos pacientes son tratados después de 1 o 2 sesiones solamente, mientras que algunos tardan más de lo habitual. Los pacientes normalmente ven mejoras después de cada visita.
Las arañas vasculares visibles o telangiectasias (venas de las piernas y venas faciales) afectan a millones de personas en todo el mundo. Estos pequeños vasos sanguÃneos dilatados suelen ser de color rojo o púrpura y pueden presentarse como hebras, ramas o racimos visibles en la superficie de la piel. Algunas de las causas son hereditarias, mucha posición (si trabaja como enfermera, peluquera, maestra, vendedora o trabajadora de una fábrica), obesidad, uso de pÃldoras anticonceptivas e influencias hormonales del embarazo, la pubertad y menopausia.
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How is Sclerotherapy done?
Sclerotherapy is an injectable treatment performed in the office. Using a fine needle, our specialists inject the sclerotherapy solution directly into the treated vein. The solution works by irritating the lining of veins, causing them to collapse. This renders the treated vein dysfunctional, causing blood to travel through a different blood vessel. Over time, this results in the body absorbing any veins treated with the injection. After a few weeks or so, they disappear entirely.
What can I expect from Sclerotherapy Recovery?
Most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment, though it is suggested to have a friend or family member take you home post procedure in case you have any lasting discomfort in your legs. You may experience minor side effects such as swelling, bruising, redness, irritation, or itching at the injection site.
How will I know if I am a candidate for Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is an effective method of spider vein removal and can be performed on patients of all skin types and tones. However, it is worth noting that those with deeper skin tones may experience hyperpigmentation where the tiny needle entered the skin, which could be permanent. However, the appearance of that discoloration could be improved by certain energy-based treatments; ask our specialist for more information if hyperpigmentation is a concern.
How many treatments will I need to achieve the desired results?
Most patients only require one treatment, though multiple treatments (monthly or annually) may be needed to achieve optimal improvements to your spider veins.
What to do before Sclerotherapy?
To best prepare for this form of spider vein removal, it may be necessary to discontinue the use of blood-thinning medications, including fish oil and herbal supplements. You may also be advised to avoid certain pain relievers, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications, as well as alcohol consumption ahead of your procedure. Your general practitioner will best be able to guide you before you have your spider veins treated.
How successful is sclerotherapy in treating variscose and spider veins?
When performed by a skilled and experienced provider like our experts this treatment can be quite effective in resolving the appearance of spider veins and small varicose veins. The results are permanent, though new spider veins are likely to appear as you age, which may cause you to seek further treatment.